theory of multiple intelligences 뜻
- 다중지능이론
- theory: noun, 학설, 설, 이론, (탁상의)공론
- multiple: adjective, 복합의, 다양한, 배수의,
- multiple: adjective, 복합의, 다양한, 배수의, 배수, 배수량(least common multiple 최소 공배수)
- fictional artificial intelligences: 가공의 인공지능
- common multiple: phrase, 공배수
- multiple (mathematics): 배수
- multiple birth: 다태아
- multiple births: 다태아
- multiple boot: 다중 부팅
- multiple buffering: 다중 버퍼링
- multiple choice: 선다형 문제
- multiple citizenship: 복수국적
- multiple comparisons: 다중 비교
- multiple cropping: phrase, 다모작
- multiple encryption: 초암호화
기타 단어
- "theory of forms" 뜻
- "theory of impetus" 뜻
- "theory of international politics" 뜻
- "theory of knowledge" 뜻
- "theory of mind" 뜻
- "theory of planned behavior" 뜻
- "theory of probability distributions" 뜻
- "theory of relativity" 뜻
- "theory of tides" 뜻
- "theory of knowledge" 뜻
- "theory of mind" 뜻
- "theory of planned behavior" 뜻
- "theory of probability distributions" 뜻